Home Town, USA

Friday, October 4, 2013

Meet the Candidates Fundraiser

You're Invited! 

Meet the Candidates Fundraiser


Glens Falls Democratic Committee


Saturday, October 05, 2013 at 06:00 PM


Wallabee's Jazz Bar

190 Glen Street

Glens Falls NY 12801

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Annual Democratic Women's Spring Luncheon, this year with special guest speaker Attorney General Eric T. Schniederman, is almost here!   Save the date:  Noon, May 17th at the Fort William Henry Hotel.  Get your reservations in as soon as possible!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Warren County Democratic Committee News: You're Invited to a Presentation by Robert Megna, Budget Director, New York State Department of Budget

Good Morning,

We have just received this:

It is my pleasure to cordially invite you to join Mr. Robert Megna, Budget Director, New York State Department of Budget, for a presentation and discussion of the enacted FY2013-2014 Executive Budget and Management Plan, tomorrow, Thursday, April 04th, at 2:30PM in the Crandall Public Library, located at 251 Glen Street, Glens Falls, NY 12801.

There will be refreshments with the doors opening at 2pm.   This is an important presentation that Democrats should want to attend!

Lynne Boecher, Warren County Chair

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Warren County, New York Democratic Committee: Rep. Bill Owens held a "Congress On The Corner" Ev...

 Rep. Bill Owens held a "Congress On The Corner" Event on Tuesday, March 26th at the Crandall Library in Glens Falls.   A large crowd filled the session with many questions.

Mayor Jack Diamond introduced Rep. Owens

Introductory remarks

Taking questions

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Area Democrats Welcome Rep. Bill Owens!

Area Democrats and elected Democratic officials turned out in force Wednesday for the official opening of Rep. Bill Owens' Glens Falls Office on Glen Street in downtown Glens Falls.

 The Office

Judge John Hall welcomes Owens

Supervisor Ron Vanselow and Owens

Councilamn John Strough (right) and Harrison Freer

Guests talk with Owens

Queensbury Supervisor Bill Mason and Owens

Supervisor Pete McDevitt and Owens

Washington County Chair Sheila Comar and Owens

Glens Falls City Chair Roy Thomas and Owens

Judge Hall and Dennis Tarantino and guest

Sheila Comar and Warren County Chair Lynne Boecher

Owens and Boecher share a moment

The crowd of mostly Democrats

Friday, January 25, 2013

Democratic News!

Campaign School For Women Candidates

The Eleanor Roosevelt Conference Committee is sponsoring a campaign school for women who are thinking of running for office, or are staffing the campaign of a woman candidate, on February 21st, at Angelo's 677 Prime, 677 Broadway, in Albany. 

Hosted in partnership with EMILY's List, the Campaign School is a day-long workshop that will cover campaign planning, fundraising, media planning,  GOTV and the fundamentals of running and winning. 

Registration is free but required.  Space is limited so register soon if you are interested!   Click here to register: 

Please note: parking is available in the Quackenbush Parking Garage on Orange St. between Broadway and Water St.  The full day charge is $11.

Details Again:  
Albany Campaign School
February 21, 2013
ALBANY, NY, 12207
Democratic News!

You're invited!  Representative Bill Owens will open his new Glens Falls office this Wednesday, January 30th from Noon - 1pm. 

Rep. Owens will be there to personally welcome the residents of the Greater Glens Falls area and the new 21st Congressional District.

The office is located in the space originally rented by Rep. Scott Murphy and then used by Rep. Chris Gibson.  It is located on Glen Street across from the Glens Falls Civic Center.

Saturday, January 19, 2013




County Wide

County Judge & Surrogate (vote for 1)

District Attorney  (vote for 1)

County Coroner (vote for 1)

Glens Falls

Mayor (vote for 1)

Councilman-At-Large  (vote for 1)

Warren County Supervisor Ward 1  (vote for 1)
Ward 1 Councilmember  (vote for 1)

Warren County Supervisor Ward 2  (vote for 1)
Ward 2 Councilmember  (vote for 1)

Warren County Supervisor Ward 3  (vote for 1)
Ward 3 Councilmember  (vote for 1)

Warren County Supervisor Ward 4 (vote for 1)
Ward 4 Councilmember  (vote for 1)

Warren County Supervisor Ward 5  (vote for 1)
Ward 5 Councilmember  (vote for 1)

Crandall Public Library Budget Proposition

Town of Bolton

Town Supervisor (vote for 1)

Town Clerk (vote for 1)

Bolton Town Board Member (vote for 2)

Town Justice  (vote for 1)

Bolton Town Highway Superintendant (vote for 1)

Town Of Chester

 Town Justice (vote for 1)

Town Board Member (vote for 2)

Town Of Hague

Town Supervisor (vote for 1)

Town Justice (vote for 1)

Town Board Member (vote for 2)

Town Of Horicon

Town Supervisor (vote for 1)

Town Clerk (vote for 1)

Town Board Member (vote for 2)

Town of Johnsburg

Town Supervisor (vote for 1)

Town Clerk  (vote for 1)

Town Board Member (vote for 2)

Town Justice (vote for 1)

Town Highway Superintendent (vote for 1)

Lake George

Town Supervisor (vote for 1)

Town Justice (vote for 1)

Town Board Member (vote for 2)

Lake Luzerne

Town Supervisor (vote for 1)

Town Clerk  (vote for 1)

Town Highway Superintendent (vote for 1)

Town Board Member (vote for 2)

Town Of Queensbury

Warren County Supervisor-At-Large (vote for 4)

Town Supervisor (vote for 1)

Town Clerk  (vote for 1)

Town Justice (vote for 1)

Town Board Member Ward 1 (vote for 1)

Town Board Member Ward 2 (vote for 1)

Town Board Member Ward 3 (vote for 1)

Town Board Member Ward 4 (vote for 1)

Town Highway Superintendent (vote for 1)

Library Trustee (vote for ??)

Library Budget Proposition

Stony Creek

 Town Supervisor (vote for 1)

Town Clerk (vote for 1)

Town Board Member (vote for 2)

Town Highway Superintendent  (vote for 1)

Town Assessor (vote for 1)

Town Of Thurman

Town Supervisor (vote for 1) 

Town Clerk (vote for 1) 

Town Board Member (vote for 2) 

Town Highway Superintendent (vote for 1) 

Town Assessor (vote for 1) 

Town Of Warrensburg

Town Supervisor (vote for 1) 

Town Justice (vote for 1) 

Town Board Member (vote for 2) 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Democratic Rural Conference & Executive Committee of the State Committee

Fall Business & Reorganizational Meeting, October 1, 2012, Albany, New York Respectfully submitted by: Patricia Dudley, Warren Co. State Committee Member

I. Democratic Rural Conference (DRC) Meeting:

  1. Reports of the Secretary and Treasurer.
  2. Introduction of new State Committee Executive Director Rodney Capel and candidates running for N.Y. State Assembly and Senate seats present.
  3. Committee Reports and Discussions: Potential By-Law Change, regarding voting rights of Associate members, non-voting members, those not members of the State Committee or Committee Chair. To be voted upon at Spring General Membership Meeting of the DRC 4/26 & 4/27, 2013.
  4. Discussions regarding: Voting changes due to redistricting; and the 2013 Conference
  5. New Business: Discussion regarding upcoming meeting of the meeting of National Federation of Democratic Women, Oct 19th & 20th, Newburgh, New York
  6. Old Business: Eleanor Roosevelt Legacy Fund Fall Luncheon Oct. 15th
  7. Adjournment

II. Executive Committee Meeting:

All Resolutions were tabled for further discussion at the next committee meeting
New Business:

  1. Gov. Andrew Cuomo has asked and is seeking best scientific advice regarding Hydrofracking; commendation and proclamation of Gov. Cuomo for so doing.
  2. Resolution to support those duly Dem. candidates nominated by town and city committees for 2012 for all levels of government that they have the support of NYS Committee. 3. Discussion of N.Y. Women’s Federation meeting, Oct. 19th and 20th. 4. Motion to adjourn

III. Business Meeting of New York State Democratic Committee

  1. The following motions were carried, seconded and approved: to fill vacancies with new committee members, as read; to approve minutes of prior meeting.
  2. New County Chairs welcomed.
  3. Rules of Dem. State Committee readopted amended rules, as per every 2 years.
  4. Election of Officers of N. Y. State Democratic Committee including Sheila Comar (Washington Co.) Executive Chair and Lynne Boecher (Warren Co.), Vice Treasurer
  5. and two additional electors, Steve Applebaum and Maria Cuomo Cole to the DNC.
  6. Caucus Election of Judicial Districts adopted.
New Business:

  1. Charlie King previous Exec. Chair of Dem. State Committee was thanked.
  2. Discussion of support for Sean Patrick Maloney, Dem,. candidate, 19th CD, against incumbent Nan Hayworth.
  3. Happy 90th birthday wished to Mary Iacone, Washington Co. State Committee member.
  4. Adjournment

Democratic Rural Conference Executive Committee Meeting December 1, 2012, Syracuse, New York

  1. The following motions were carried, seconded and approved: To approve of minutes of August Board meeting, September Conference call & October 1 meeting and to approve October 1, 2012, Treasurer’s Report
  2. Address by Stephanie Miner, Mayor of Syracuse and Co-chair State Committee.
  3. Nominations to fill vacancies on DRC Board, elections followed
  4. Discussions: of Spring Conference April 26 & 27, 2013, Hilton Inn, Saratoga Springs, theme of Conference, training for local races, field programs; party building.
  5. Committee Reports: school funding, unfunded mandates, fees for trucks on N.Y. State Thruway and effectiveness of Regional Development Councils.
  6. Discussion about by-law change regarding Associate Member to be addressed at Spring meeting.
  7. Discussion by Rodney Capel, State Committee Exec. Director, regarding change and professionalization of the Appointment’s process.